Presentation of the first Course on Responsibility of the Virtual Institute in Spanish and the upcoming courses.
the summet « Climate Chance », Nantes, France, 26-28 September 2016
Isis Maria de Palma Augusto, Ricardo Jimenez Ayala, septiembre 2016
Isis de Palma, « educommunicator » in Brazil, and Ricardo Jimenez, sociologist in Peru, members of the Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Societies, presented the first online course of the Virtual Institute in Spanish about « Responsibility, Climate Change and COP »
This institute develops academic training activities online, via a virtual platform on the Internet. It offers the possibility of creating several problems, always linked to the fundamental principles of responsibility. It is open to several audiences.
Its target audience are all interested persons who speak Spanish and have internet access. Especially, citizen activists and professional organizations.
The themes to come are:
1. Responsibility, Amazon and VIII Pan-Amazon Social Forum. In partnership with the organizers of this forum.
2. Responsibility Climate Chance Nantes y COP22 Marrakesh.
3. Energy, sustainability and corresponsibility.

Descargar: presentacion_nantes_ricardo_e_isis.pdf (1,7 MiB)