Progress Report to AR21 on Economics and Governance Curriculum Project

Nina Gregg, June 2016

The Economics and Governance Curriculum is a multi-year collaboration led by the Highlander Research and Education Center , with support from fellows (partners) from eleven national and regional organizations.

Participants share visions of their communities

The Economics and Governance Curriculum is more like a road trip with its various twists, turns, stops and detours along the way than a single destination trip with an exact route with predetermined stops. We are using a participatory process so that the curriculum will be a living project, sharing responsibility for collective learning and for building resources and capacity.

Highlander hosted a ‘train the trainers’ workshop in November 2015 for more than 20 invited community leaders and organizers. The workshop had multiple objectives:

  • Train leaders from organizations across the southeastern US in facilitating the curriculum

  • Engage workshop participants in assessing the process and content of curriculum modules

  • Engage workshop participants in reflecting on their readiness to facilitate in their own communities and organizations

  • Identify additions and revisions to the curriculum necessary before distribution

  • Secure commitments (with time frame) from workshop participants to launch and lead a process using the curriculum in their communities and organizations

  • Collect more examples, models and cases to use in modules and for the curriculum’s virtual resource library

Workshop participants came from seven different states, ranged in age from 15 to mid-60s, and represented nine organizations.

Participants, November 2015

Downloads: update_to_ar21_on_economics_and_governance_curriculum.pdf (530 KiB)