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Newsletter - 6th issue - April 2020
The starting sign of a civilization is solidarity
The CoVid-19 pandemic hitting the world today, threatening our lives, challenging our health systems, the way we produce and consume, our way of life, highlighting the profound inequalities of the economic establishment, is at the same time questioning the very values upon which human societies are based. Here is a revealing story for the era of coronavirus.
One day a student asked anthropologist Margaret Mead what was the first sign of civilization in a given culture. The student expected Mead to tell him about a hook, a pottery or a grindstone. But Mead replied that the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture was a thigh bone that had been broken and then healed.
Read on...

Newsletter - 5th issue - November 2019
The world in turmoil: social unrest is escalating
Across the globe, from Lebanon, Iran and Iraq, to Chile, Bolivia, Haiti, Hong Kong, widespread protest movements, in at least a dozen countries, are shaking the planet today.
People take on the streets in peaceful demonstrations that often descend to chaos, protesters engaging in ’battles’ with police forces. Dozens of people might have been killed, hundreds are gravely injured, while there is the fear that violence in certain cases could spin out of control.
Is there any common dynamics in these quasi simultaneus social explosions?
Here follows the fifth issue of our Newsletter :
Newsletter - 4th issue - December 2018
Managing global interdependence effectively: how to put an end to societies of unlimited irresponsibility
Following the debate during the ongoing COP24 in Poland (the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – started on Monday 3 December 2018), one thing is clear. The main task of COP24 is to develop a set of decisions to ensure the implementation of the Paris Agreement, initiated at COP21, in 2015.
However, if we don’t radically change our way of thinking, it is unlikely that we will be able to rise to the challenges of the 21st century...
Here follows the fourth issue of our Newsletter :
Newsletter - 3rd issue - March 2018
Healthy nutritious food accessible to all is one of the most profound themes of human responsibility. Food security and food production are the very interface of humans with nature – our source of life comes from water and soil and air and oceans. In the articles in this Alliance for Responsibility Newsletter we see citizenship and collective engagement as a key theme of responsibility. One of the articles in the Universal Declaration of Responsibility affirms the power of uniting with others, becoming informed and acting together...
Here follows the third issue of our Newsletter :
Newsletter - 2sd issue - November 2017
Moving away from an « ownening » mentality for the environmental commons to an ethics of « responsibility », and ‘guardianship/stewardship’, while integrating the imperatives of equity, social justice and democracy, represents for us the keystone for an ecological transition that would be environmentally sustainable and socially just. In this context and while the nations of the world gather for the 23rd Annual Conference of the Parties (COP23) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Bonn, we focus our attention to the small island nations perspective -as underlined by the Fiji Presidency of the COP23- thanks to the contributions of the many Pacific-based Alliance-Respons members and partners based in the Pacific...
Here follows the second issue of our Newsletter :
Newsletter - 1st issue - 25th May 2017
We celebrate the first Newsletter of the Alliance for Responsable and Sustainable Societies, and the inauguration of a news link with friends and partners throughout the world.
In this newsletter we feature some of the current activities of partners under four categories: Partner’s activities, Thought leadership, Recent resources, Upcoming Events. For this issue contributions span Global Citizenship Education, training for Social Protection and a new video on Climate and Responsibility in which Isis de Palma presents the challenges faced by humanity to stabilize the climate on the planet in the coming years. We have the responsability of retirees, and cities as sites of transformation, law and governing the commons, and responsibilities that arise from interdependence in the Anthropocene.
Good reading !
Here follows the first issue of our Newsletter :