organizing and facilitating meetings
3 projects | 3 actions | 2 educational documents | 4 analytical papers | 2 Charters / manifestos / declarations | 3 government interventions
3 projects
- Project activities, social-professional and thematic fields of work
- Economics and Governance Curriculum
- Changes in responsibility: dialogue between jurists and civil society
3 actions
- Summary report of the Philippine, solidarity economy forum (PSEF) 2015
- Putting Ethics into Action
- 8th Indonesia Climate Change Forum & expo 2018 (8th ICCFE 2018)
2 educational documents
- Law and Responsibility in the Anthropocene Epoch
- “Towards a jus commune that can be universalised?” *
4 analytical papers
- Ethics and Responsibility in Community Organizing
- Report of the « Symposium on Law, Responsibility and Governance »
- Responsibility for a Feasible Climate Ambition
- Global Citizenship Education Student Conference & Study Tour