TATA-BOX comic strips
An educational tool on agro-ecological transition
Agence Nationale de la Recherche - ANR, February 2018
What is a participatory approach? What is the agro-ecological transition? What issues are raised by a participatory approach for an agro-ecologic transition on a territorial scale? Here are the answers in picture form!
TATA-BOX is a four-year research project funded by the French national research centre Agence Nationale de la Recherche. The project aims to develop methods and tools that will allow local actors to design an agro-ecological transition on a local scale. The territory under study is the Tarn Aveyron basin.
The comic strip recalls the main points of the procedure and proposes experience feedback on the issues faced by the collective of scientists when designing a participatory approach to the agro-ecological transition on a territorial scale.
These nine picture-based documents can be used as material for discussions or teaching material for a large audience (farmers, managers of territories, scientists, students).
original document in French
Downloads: bd_ttb.pdf (2.9 MiB)